
The Possibilities Online Employment Resource Centre (ERC) is a free resource to help Toronto job seekers find work. An initiative of Findhelp Information Services, Possibilities is an Employment Ontario project funded in part by the Government of Canada.

One of the challenges was to set up a bilingual Drupal site, with the French site having original content and a different structure to the English site. Full access to the content requires registration and logging into one site must give access to both language sites.

This goal of the site redevelopment was to:

• Update the visual design to have a feel of an online magazine
• Improve usability
• Incorporate a new French language site
• Streamline administration of content and updates

We updated the navigation, content structure and Drupal taxonomy and expanded Drupal functionality to ease administration tasks. We also developed a portal of Possibilities articles aimed at those with low literacy that was certified by CLAD (Clear Language and Design).